7 Common Septic System Problems (And How to Fix Them) (2025)

Septic tank systems are built to be safe and reliable on-site systems for waste treatment. However,septic system emergencies and problematic issues are not totally impossible – especially if proper and routine cleaning and care have been falling short. We will be outlining here a number of the most common septic system problems that home and business property owners encounter and what you can do to fix and prevent them.

7 Common Septic System Problems (And How to Fix Them) (1)

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#1 Backups and Clogs

Out of all the septic tank system problems any home or business property owner could possibly encounter, backups and clogs are perhaps the most dreaded. Septic tank systems that are subjected to voluminous usage and especially over an extended period of time, the high build-up of sludge may result to a major headache if the septic tank is not emptied frequently enough. This happens when a high amount of solid waste accumulates at the base of the septic tank without periodic pumping. Without sufficiently regular emptying, sludge may start to get into your drainfield and create clogs, inhibiting wastewater from dispersing naturally into the ground. The easiest and most guaranteed prevention of such problems is to get your tankpumpedout as frequently as is recommended by the manufacturer. Nobody would ever like the idea of dirty sewage seeping back up through the home’s or facility’s drains, right? Furthermore, problems like these can be avoided by keeping non-septic-safe wastes out of your toilets and drains.

7 Common Septic System Problems (And How to Fix Them) (2)

Non-biodegradable products in your septic tank will occupy valuablespace permanently as these will never break down naturally. This raises theliquid levels in your tank unnecessarily, forcing floating solid wastes intothe septic distribution system. Sometimes, even the so-called “flushable”products do not disintegrate as efficiently as they should. Only biodegradablesubstances should be finding their way down your toilets, drains, and into yourseptic tank.

Keep kitchen wastes out of your septic system. This includes oil,fats, and grease down kitchen drains. Allowing high volumes of grease, oil, orfats into your septic system can rapidly result to clogged pipes in yourdrainfield. While most systems are able to handle average amounts of grease andsimilar products that might go down the drain from washing kitchenware, it paysto remember that you should not be dumping grease down the drain with thepurpose of getting rid of it. Also, garbage disposal units are ideally not connectedto the septic tank system. The reason for this is that kitchen wastes do notbreak down the same way as biological wastes do.

Finally – and we cannot stress this enough — regular septic tankcleaning is very important. It is imperative that you have your systeminspected andpumpedout periodically (septic experts recommend everytwo to five years) to help ensure that your septic system maintains sufficientcapacity in order to function efficiently.

#2 Excess Water in the Septic Tank

Excessive or wasteful water usage forces your septic tank to hold morewater than it is built for. Excess water impedes the solid wastes from breakingdown before the increased water level in the tank forces them to pass out ofthe tank and into the distribution lines that are built to handle liquids,effectively blocking the lines or pipes.

Minimize the volume of water going into your septic system by schedulinglaundry and/or dish washing over a number of days, instead of washing involume. Likewise, cut down the length of shower times and use efficient flowshowerheads and fixtures to help maintain the optimum water flow in and out ofyour septic system.

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#3 Tree Root Pervasion

The infiltration of tree roots into one’s septic tank system is anothercommon problem for home and business property owners. Tree roots are naturally drawnto the high concentrations of nutrients and moisture waste present in septictanks and lines. It is common for tree roots to gradually grow around and into yourseptic tanks and lines, encroaching on small leaks and cracks, eventuallyaggravating them over time. Professional septic tank installation should alwaystake into account the growth of nearby trees and plants to diminish thislikelihood of tree root infiltration.

#4 Digging-related Damage to Septic Lines

Home and business property owners often damage their septic systems bydigging right into them, which results to expensive pipe repairs and/orreplacement. If you are ever undertaking a project in your yard that requiresdigging, you will have to make that 811 callbefore actually starting soyou can have your septic and other utility lines properly marked.

It is essential for all private home or business facility owners andprofessional contractors to call the 811 utility notification center beforeembarking on any digging project. All states have established one-callnotification centers and the law mandates that the call is made some 48 to 72hours before any digging project begins.

#5 Septic Tank or Line Leak

It is true when they say that the greener the grass, the better. Inmost cases, yes. But not when you notice an especially lush patch of vegetationnear where your septic tank is buried. If you have a uniquely healthy patch ofvegetation in the said area, it could be an indication that your septic tankhas a leak or that your lateral lines are receiving far too much wastewaterfrom the septic tank and are overly-saturating your yard. Worse, you may evenfind puddles of raw sewage on your lawn, which is a severe health andenvironmental hazard.

If monitored and maintained routinely, your septic tank system canlast you several decades. It is essential for every property owner not to allowcommon septic tank problems to diminish the system’s life span. At the firstsigns of a clog, leak, or tree root infiltration, call your local septicservice specialists immediately.

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#6 Excessive Detergent and Chemical Use

The phosphate content of detergent products acts as fertilizer stimulating the growth of algae that can block the perforations within distribution pipes. The problem with excessive detergent use in doing laundry is that there is no guarantee that your washing machine will rinse away all the residue and dilute it adequately. This is why the overuse of such products, especially the non-septic-safe types, can pose a problem for your septic pipes and tank. It is recommended that you use dishwashing and laundry soap in liquid or gel form as these will not contain phosphates, unlike the powdered soaps.

Chemical products such as solvents, paint thinners, pesticides, motorfluid, mechanical fuel, and the like are toxic. Introducing them into yourseptic system will distribute them into the surrounding soil, causing pollutionand hindering plant growth. Additionally, these harsh chemicals will kill offthe helpful bacteria in your tank, depleting their capacity to break down wastethat enters it. Never use your septic system as way to dispose of toxicmaterials like these as they won’t be eliminated – instead, they will simply betransmitted to your property’s soil. Also, commercial synthetic products thatclaim to “unclog” or clear septic systems would typically contain toxic orhazardous chemicals like lye that can be harmful to the environment.

#7 Sewer Odors

7 Common Septic System Problems (And How to Fix Them) (3)

The last and least noticeable problem common among septic systems is sewer odor build-up in and around the property. This happens when there is a clog in your septic system ventilation, trapping septic gasses. As soon as you notice this happening, immediately call your localseptic system emergency serviceto clear your vent and eliminate that foul sewer odor. Keep in mind that septic system gases include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane. Not only can the odors that these substances emit be irritating, but a high enough concentration of these gases can be very toxic, or worse, even an explosive risk.

These problems may be common in septic tank systems, but the good newsis that there are also basic steps that you can take to avoid them. Conventionalseptic tanks must be pumped out at least every two to five years. This preventsthe accumulation of solid wastes in the tank. This sludge of solid can get sothickthatthey can block the inlet pipe coming from your house orfacility and to your tank. Also, these solids can exit the tank withoutadequate treatment and settle in your leach field. This results to your plumbingfixtures(such as toilets, bathtubsand sinks)to drain or flushslowly, make gurgling noises, or worse, not drain at all. All this can lead to earlydrainfield failure.

Installing an effluent filter is another way to prevent solid wastesfrom flowing from the septic tank and onto your leach field.

There are two types of microorganisms that can do this job: eitheranaerobic or aerobic. Anaerobic microorganisms thrive in an unoxygenatedenvironment typical among traditional septic systems. On the other hand,aerobic microorganisms require oxygen to effectively process your householdwaste. Consider installing a septic aerator pump. This breathes air into aholding chamber in your septic tank, allowing for the growth of aerobicbacteria. Aerobic bacteria break down the wastewater, diminishing the harmfulpathogens, resulting to effluent that is harmless to the environment.

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Common Causes of Septic System Problems

A lot of the common septic tank problems are caused by things thatshould not be entering your septic tank through the toilet, kitchen sink, orgarbage disposal unit, in the first place. But aside from these non-organicmaterials finding their way into your tank, there are other causes of commonseptic system issues. They include:

  • Tree roots creeping into the crevices of your septic tank
  • Tree roots infiltrating your drainfield
  • Accumulation of too much solid waste in the septic tank
  • Driving over or parking on the drainfield
  • Non-septic safe treatments like water softeners
  • Chemicals, paints, grease, automotive products, and the
    like getting dumped into the septic tank
  • Bacteria and enzyme additives

To keep everything simple, the only things that should be flushed downthe toilet, aside from human waste, and down your sinks are blackwater andgreywater: blackwater is the mixture ofurine,fecal matterandflushwater. On the other hand, water coming from domestic equipment other thantoilets (like your bathtubs, showers, sinks, and washing machines) is yourgreywater. If you own a garbage disposal unit, this is ideally not connected toyour septic plumbing system.

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Signs and Symptoms of a Septic Tank Problem

There are a few indications to help you know when your septic tanksystem is not functioning as it should.

Gurgling Sounds. When you hear gurgling sounds from your pipes whenever you use yoursink, shower, or toilet, it is possible that you have aclogged drainora blocked vent pipe. This is often caused by a grease and dirt that that havebuilt up in your plumbing, inhibiting your water from draining quickly andnormally.This is because air bubbles are unable to get through the pipesand so they escape through the first route they are able to access – hence, thegurgling sounds.

Flushing Issues. When your toilet is slow to flush or won’t flush at all and a toilet plungeris unable to fix the problem, it is possible that there is something wrong withyour septic system. Slow flushing is a possible indication that your septictank is full – and the only way to address this is by having your tank pumpedout. It is also possible that there is a clog within your pipes.

Slow Drains. If your kitchen or bathroomsink, shower or bathtub are draining slowly, it could either be due to aplumbing problem with the pipes in your home or facility, or an issue withinyour septic system. Best to consult with both professional plumbers andprofessional septic providers.

Backed-up Water and Sewage. If water is backing up when you run your laundry or dishwashing machine,or worse, when sewage has backed up into the home or office, it’s definitely timeto call for professional assistance. Sewage back-ups are one of the worstsymptoms of a septic system that’s failing.

Foul Odors. Do you smell rotten eggsin and around your property? Unless there are actual leftover eggs rottingsomewhere, what you are likely smelling is toxic sulfur. If you walkoutside near where the septic tank is buried and the smell intensifies, it is verylikely that raw sewage has escaped the tank.

Lush Vegetation. One of the first signsthat your septic drainfield is failing is if the grass is growing faster or appearto be much greener than grass in the rest of the property. This is because thatpatch of lawn is getting nourished by the “extra fertilizer” in the sewagethat’s probably leaking from your drainfield.

Puddles of Stagnant Water. When notice puddles orpatches of standing water around the area of your drainfield, it could be anindication of a septic system problem. Foul-smelling water is accumulating atthe drainfield because the septic system is experiencing some sort of failure,At the first sign of puddles near your septic tank, call in your trusted septicsystem experts.

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How to Prevent Septic Tank Problems

If your home or business facility relies on an on-site septic tank system,you will truly need to regularly undertake some specific steps to preventproblems with your system. Following these tips will help ensure the health andfunctionality of your system, not to mention guarantees a longer life span.

Schedule routine septic tank maintenance. Septic system checks are an essential part of maintaining your septicsystem’s general health. These routine checks will ensure that waste is notleaking from your system and into the surrounding groundwater, which could posea serious health threat to everyone in your property.

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Efficient Water Use. Keeping your water usage conservative contributes much to ensuringthat your septic system maintains its functionality. Spread out your laundry (washingmachine usage) over a period of days, instead of running everything on one go,as this could cause flooding in your septic tank. Basic conservation measuressuch as turning your faucets off when not in use, especially during brushingteeth and washing hands or dishes, will go a long way. Consider, also,investing in water-efficient fixtures like low-flow toilets and showerheads. Cuttingdown on your water bill is just an added bonus to keeping your septic systemhealthy.

Proper Garbage Disposal. You should never be liberal about allow kitchen scraps to go downyour sink drain. Debris like potato peels, morsels of food, and bone splinters aretop culprits in causing clogs in your pipes and drainfield. Make it a habit todispose of food particles in the trash or compost pile. Only allow water andbasic waste down your drains.

Never Ignore “Red Flags”. As a property owner, you have a responsibility to spot and identifyany facility issues before they snowball into bigger problems. It might be easyto ignore strange odors, gurgling sounds, puddles, slow drains in and aroundyour property, but you should never be lax. These are the warning signs of apotential problem forming or already existing within your septic system. Callfor professional consultation and assistance as promptly as you are able.

Running your faucets and flushing your toilets may have become somundane and habitual that it’s likewise become easy to disregard the path thatyour black and greywater take once they come into your drainage system. Keep inmind, though, that if you have a septic tank system in your property, it isimperative that you ensure everything is in proper working condition at alltimes, for your own sake as well as everyone in it. Never hesitate to seekprofessional advice and assistance in diagnosing the issue as immediately asyou can before the “common” septic problem that you have gets worse and morecostly to address.

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7 Common Septic System Problems (And How to Fix Them) (2025)
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